Skill Sets We Look For
CHT welcomes all volunteers. Specifically, we look for volunteers with experience or skills in conservation, education, biology, health, agriculture, memo writing, grant research and writing, English – language training for members in our community initiatives, computer skills, photography, art, website design, accounting, marketing and program evaluation/data analysis.

If you are interested in volunteering with us, please email us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 


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My time with CHT was a valuable experience in learning about another culture. I feel very fortunate to have spent time with the CHT staff, the kids they work with and in Rwanda. I appreciate how welcoming and helpful everyone was during my whole stay. 

I really loved the days we went to schools. Getting to see the staff share their passion and expertise with the kids was a true joy - as was the students’ reactions to the opportunity to learn more about their environment, art and themselves! In addition, the car rides to school were always full of laughter and a chance to learn more about what I was seeing around me. Volunteering with CHT was a great way to experience a little more of Rwanda than the average tourist and support a wonderful organization. 
— Kacie