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After School Conservation and Health Programs

CHT teaches local community members including schoolchildren about conservation and health. We discuss issues facing wildlife, especially mountain gorillas, in Volcanoes National Park in order to alleviate the conflict between the wildlife and the community. We also teach kids about environmental stewardship through art projects that reinforce recycling and reusing materials.


Improving community livelihoods

CHT recognizes in order to save wildlife, communities must have their basic needs met.  We contribute to our local communities in many ways including:

  • Donating rain water tanks to reduce the need for humans to enter animal habitats in search of water. This decreases the likelihood of disease transmission between humans and gorillas.

  • Planting bamboo and trees to prevent soil erosion and provide animal habitat.

  • Supporting School Garden Initiatives in schools & communities to ensure a heathy population living near the mountain gorilla habitat.

  • Building clean latrines to promote cleanliness and healthy living.

  • Providing hand-washing stations and trash bins to inspire children to be ambassadors in their families by practicing good hygiene and keeping the environment clean.

  • Supporting alternative income sources to reduce the need for taking resources from Volcanoes National Park. For example, we donate sheep to local families. The sheep can be used to provide other sources of income, rather than harvesting wood for sale from the forest.


Connecting Children To Nature

CHT takes children who participate in its conservation and health awareness program to the Volcanoes National Park to see animals in wild.  Though children live alongside mountain gorillas, they rarely get to see them and visit their natural habitat.  This incredible opportunity allows them to connect with local wildlife firsthand.


Community Events

CHT holds large-scale events annually to increase our reach, including:

  • Sports activities like tennis tournaments and fun runs to encourage healthy living.

  • Parents As Partners Open House - an end-of-year celebration for CHT after school program participants to share with friends, family, and local partners what they have learned, particularly regarding health and conservation messages.

  • Educator workshops to build capacity for local teachers.



In partnership with the Musanze District, CHT manages tennis courts located in central Musanze. These courts are easily accessible to community members and students, and provides a safe environment for children ages 7-18 to learn and play.

Here, we have a tennis coach for students to participate in free clinics and lessons on weekends. We promote teamwork, competition spirit, hard work, honesty, and proper sportsmanship in our club members.

Throughout the year, we host several community events, such as tournaments, fundraisers, and workshops about conservation and health in order to promote regular exercise, hygiene practices, and healthy living among our students and their families.